About us

About us

(The Retirement Allowance Foundation for Private Universities and Colleges of Japan)


The role of RAFPUC is to support the sound management of private universities and colleges through the provision of retirement funds, to ensure that the best personnel can be hired at private universities and colleges, to provide environments in which faculty and staff can devote their attention to their education and research activities with peace of mind, and thereby contribute to the development of higher education in Japan.

RAFPUC works to ensure the stable management of incorporated educational institutions through payment of retirement allowances and to maintain allowances on a par with those of national public servants.



Q. Why was RAFPUC established?
A. It was established to provide support so that incorporated educational institutions can pay retirement allowances on a par with national public servants. In addition, since the amount of retirement allowance varies significantly, the provision of retirement funds stabilizes the management of incorporated educational institutions, contributing to the establishment of an environment where all of the faculty and staff can enjoy peace of mind.


Q. Will the Foundation pay me retirement allowances?
A. No, retirement allowances are paid to faculty and staff by the incorporated educational institution where they worked. In order to support the payment of retirement allowances,the Foundation provides "retirement funds" to incorporated educational institutions.


Q. How much retirement allowance am I entitled to?
A. Retirement allowance is determined by the rules of employment concerning retirement allowance at each incorporated educational institution. Please ask the person responsible at your educational institution.


Q. Who pays the premiums?
A. Incorporated educational institutions bear the total cost of premiums. The Foundation manages the accumulated premiums and retirement funds for each incorporated educational institution, ensuring fair and robust operation.


The Foundation supports the sound management of private universities and colleges, contributing to the peace of mind of their faculty and staff.


By ensuring reliable provision of retirement funds to participating incorporated educational institution, the Foundation supports the retirement allowance systems at private universities and colleges, contributing to the sound management of incorporated educational institutions and the peace mind of their faculty and staff.

To support the stable payment of retirement allowances, incorporated educational institutions register their faculty and staff with the Foundation. In addition, the government directly subsidizes private universities and colleges through support for the premiums of incorporated educational institutions.

The Foundation strives to achieve sound and flexible operational management founded on the principle of fairness.
For details of the Foundation's activities, please see our annual report, brochure, and website.


More than 30 years of history and figures attest to the stability of the Foundation's activities. Over about 30 years up to 2012,the Foundation has provided around ¥1.5 trillion in retirement funds for 260,000 people. We will continue to provide support to enable faculty and staff at every institution to dedicate themselves to academic affairs.

Leaflet Download


Download 2016.07.21 NEWS RELEASE「R&I Assigns AA, Stable」(Rating and Investment Information, Inc.)
Download 2015.07.16 NEWS RELEASE「R&I Assigns AA, Stable」(Rating and Investment Information, Inc.)
Download 2014.06.27 NEWS RELEASE「R&I Assigns AA, Stable」(Rating and Investment Information, Inc.)

Fiscal 2023

Number of participating bodies : 587 corporations
Monthly average number of registrants : 137,163 people
Number of new registrants per year : 10,300 people
Number of retirees per year : 10,938 people
Revenue from premiums : 73.7 billion yen
Retirement funds expenditure : 74.8 billion yen
